- Kawaii anime live video wallpaper with support for phones and tablets
- You can disable sliding between screens in settings
- Frame rate can be changed in settings too
- This application is absolutely free
- No in-app purchases
We hope you'll enjoy this anime wallpaper as we do, also don't forget to rate it, so we'll know how you liked it.
For improvement wishes and exclusive orders please contact us here: aidanhuntertonik@gmail.com
Don’t forget to check our other wallpapers too! Thanks! =^_^=
Ruby Rose is the main protagonist of RWBY. Ruby's weapon of choice is her High-Caliber Sniper-Scythe (HCSS) known as Crescent Rose.
She first appeared in the "Red" Trailer visiting the grave of her deceased mother, Summer Rose. After an invitation from Headmaster Ozpin following an altercation with Roman Torchwick, Ruby attends Beacon Academy to become a Huntress. She becomes the leader of Team RWBY, consisting of Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and her half-sister, Yang Xiao Long.
Ruby is a fair skinned young girl with silver eyes and black hair that fades to dark red at the tips cut in an asymmetrical bob.
She wears a long sleeved thick black blouse with a high collar and red trim on the sleeves, a black waist cincher with red lacing up the front, and a black skirt with red trim. She also wears a pair of thick black stockings and black combat boots with red laces, red trim around the top and red soles.
Red trailer5
Ruby with Crescent Rose
Her outfit is topped by a red hooded cloak fastened to her shoulder by cross shaped pins. Her emblem appears as a large silver brooch and is pinned to a wide black belt slung around her hips on an angle, which also has bullets and a pouch attached.
In the "Red" Trailer, Ruby's cloak is fastened at her throat and a large silver cross is pinned to her belt in place of her emblem.
Ruby's pajamas consist of a black tank top with a heart-shaped Beowolf design on the chest and white long pants with pink roses as decoration. She also wears a black sleeping mask with triangular red eyes reminiscent of the Beowolves in her trailer.
At her home in Patch, Ruby's pajamas are a matching dark-gray long-sleeved shirt and pants with faded-red polka dots and a white lining at the front and the collar.
During the events of "A Minor Hiccup" and "Painting the Town...", Ruby wears an alternate outfit codenamed "Slayer".
This outfit consists of a long-sleeve, light gray shirt with black belted cuffs near the ends of the sleeves. Over top of the gray shirt is a black pinafore with two vertical lines of red stitching that resemble the lacing on a corset. She wears a red skirt with a large print of her emblem on the side of it in black and black tulle underneath.
Her stockings and shoes remain the same as her Original outfit, except the boots no longer have red trim around the top. A few pieces of metal arranged in an abstract shape are attached to her sleeve on her left shoulder, and her hooded cloak has been wrapped around her neck similar to a scarf before hanging down her back.
- Kawaii anime wallpaper hidup video dengan dukungan untuk ponsel dan tablet
- Anda dapat menonaktifkan geser antara layar di pengaturan
- Frame rate dapat diubah dalam pengaturan terlalu
- Aplikasi ini benar-benar gratis
- Tidak ada pembelian di-app
Kami berharap Anda akan menikmati wallpaper anime ini seperti yang kita lakukan, juga jangan lupa untuk menilai itu, sehingga kita akan tahu bagaimana Anda menyukainya.
Untuk keinginan perbaikan dan pesanan eksklusif silahkan hubungi kami di sini: aidanhuntertonik@gmail.com
Jangan lupa untuk memeriksa wallpaper kami yang lain juga! Terima kasih! = ^ _ ^ =
Ruby Rose adalah protagonis utama RWBY. Senjata Ruby pilihan adalah dirinya Tinggi Kaliber Sniper-Scythe (HCSS) dikenal sebagai Bulan Sabit Rose.
Dia pertama kali muncul di "Red" Trailer mengunjungi makam almarhum ibu nya, Summer Rose. Setelah undangan dari Kepala Sekolah Ozpin menyusul perselisihan dengan Roman Torchwick, Ruby menghadiri Beacon Academy untuk menjadi Huntress. Dia menjadi pemimpin Tim RWBY, yang terdiri dari Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna dan dia setengah-adik, Yang Xiao Long.
Ruby adalah seorang gadis muda berkulit adil dengan mata perak dan rambut hitam yang memudar menjadi merah gelap di ujung dipotong bob asimetris.
Dia memakai blus hitam panjang lengan tebal dengan kerah tinggi dan garis merah di lengan, pinggang cincher hitam dengan benang merah di depan, dan rok hitam dengan garis merah. Dia juga memakai sepasang stoking hitam tebal dan sepatu tempur hitam dengan tali merah, garis merah di sekitar bagian atas dan sol merah.
trailer5 merah
Ruby dengan Crescent Rose
pakaiannya atasnya dengan jubah berkerudung merah diikat ke bahunya oleh pin salib berbentuk. emblem nya muncul sebagai bros perak besar dan ditempelkan ke sabuk hitam lebar tersampir di sekitar pinggul pada sudut, yang juga memiliki peluru dan kantong terpasang.
Dalam "Red" Trailer, jubah Ruby diikat di lehernya dan sebuah salib perak besar yang disematkan untuk ikat pinggangnya di tempat lambang nya.
piyama Ruby terdiri dari tank top hitam dengan berbentuk hati desain Beowolf di dada dan celana panjang putih dengan mawar merah muda sebagai hiasan. Dia juga memakai topeng tidur hitam dengan mata merah segitiga mengingatkan pada Beowolves di trailer nya.
Di rumahnya di patch, piyama Ruby adalah padanan kemeja lengan panjang abu-abu gelap dan celana dengan bintik-bintik pudar-merah dan lapisan putih di depan dan kerah.
Selama peristiwa "A Minor Hiccup" dan "Lukisan Town ...", Ruby memakai pakaian alternatif nama kode "Slayer".
pakaian ini terdiri dari lengan panjang kemeja abu-abu, cahaya dengan warna hitam berikat manset dekat ujung lengan. Selama atas kemeja abu-abu adalah pinafore hitam dengan dua garis vertikal jahitan merah yang menyerupai hantaman pada korset. Dia memakai rok merah dengan cetak besar lambang nya di sisi dalam tulle hitam dan hitam di bawah.
stoking dan sepatu tetap sama seperti pakaian asli nya, kecuali sepatu tidak lagi memiliki garis merah di sekitar bagian atas. Beberapa potongan-potongan logam diatur dalam bentuk abstrak yang melekat pada lengan di bahu kirinya, dan jubah berkerudung nya telah melilit lehernya mirip dengan syal sebelum menggantung di punggung.
- Kawaii anime live video wallpaper with support for phones and tablets
- You can disable sliding between screens in settings
- Frame rate can be changed in settings too
- This application is absolutely free
- No in-app purchases
We hope you'll enjoy this anime wallpaper as we do, also don't forget to rate it, so we'll know how you liked it.
For improvement wishes and exclusive orders please contact us here: aidanhuntertonik@gmail.com
Don’t forget to check our other wallpapers too! Thanks! =^_^=
Ruby Rose is the main protagonist of RWBY. Ruby's weapon of choice is her High-Caliber Sniper-Scythe (HCSS) known as Crescent Rose.
She first appeared in the "Red" Trailer visiting the grave of her deceased mother, Summer Rose. After an invitation from Headmaster Ozpin following an altercation with Roman Torchwick, Ruby attends Beacon Academy to become a Huntress. She becomes the leader of Team RWBY, consisting of Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and her half-sister, Yang Xiao Long.
Ruby is a fair skinned young girl with silver eyes and black hair that fades to dark red at the tips cut in an asymmetrical bob.
She wears a long sleeved thick black blouse with a high collar and red trim on the sleeves, a black waist cincher with red lacing up the front, and a black skirt with red trim. She also wears a pair of thick black stockings and black combat boots with red laces, red trim around the top and red soles.
Red trailer5
Ruby with Crescent Rose
Her outfit is topped by a red hooded cloak fastened to her shoulder by cross shaped pins. Her emblem appears as a large silver brooch and is pinned to a wide black belt slung around her hips on an angle, which also has bullets and a pouch attached.
In the "Red" Trailer, Ruby's cloak is fastened at her throat and a large silver cross is pinned to her belt in place of her emblem.
Ruby's pajamas consist of a black tank top with a heart-shaped Beowolf design on the chest and white long pants with pink roses as decoration. She also wears a black sleeping mask with triangular red eyes reminiscent of the Beowolves in her trailer.
At her home in Patch, Ruby's pajamas are a matching dark-gray long-sleeved shirt and pants with faded-red polka dots and a white lining at the front and the collar.
During the events of "A Minor Hiccup" and "Painting the Town...", Ruby wears an alternate outfit codenamed "Slayer".
This outfit consists of a long-sleeve, light gray shirt with black belted cuffs near the ends of the sleeves. Over top of the gray shirt is a black pinafore with two vertical lines of red stitching that resemble the lacing on a corset. She wears a red skirt with a large print of her emblem on the side of it in black and black tulle underneath.
Her stockings and shoes remain the same as her Original outfit, except the boots no longer have red trim around the top. A few pieces of metal arranged in an abstract shape are attached to her sleeve on her left shoulder, and her hooded cloak has been wrapped around her neck similar to a scarf before hanging down her back.